One of the best things about Georgia is the amount of love that people have for beer and making beer....
Read moreDetailsLabor Day Weekend never has a shortage of events in Georgia. Over 500,000 people are expected in Atlanta this weekend...
Read moreDetailsSomeone stole a whole truckload of beer! Sweetwater Brewing based in Atlanta was robbed of nearly 3,300 cases equating to...
Read moreDetailsAnytime you see the words "beer-pairing-meal" run towards wherever is happening. This past Thursday, May 25, Tavernpointe hosted this very...
Read moreDetailsLooking for a date night spot in May? Look no further. Brush Sushi Izakaya is a brand new Japanese fusion...
Read moreDetailsMonday Night Brewing’s Nerd Alert Pseudo Pilsner proves that nerds and beer are evolving. Today, nerds are quite the opposite...
Read moreDetailsBeer and BBQ…could there be a more perfect match? "Atlanta Beer Festivals" hosted their first ever "Hogs and Hops" event...
Read moreDetailsWeekends are so overrated, so it's fitting today that Monday Night Brewing released their newest year around beer, "Slap Fight"....
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